Pax Dei: Exploring for Iron and Strengthening the Base - 2024-06-24

Описание к видео Pax Dei: Exploring for Iron and Strengthening the Base - 2024-06-24

In this episode, I start by exploring the surrounding area. Upon returning home, I attempt to reinforce the building structure with stone foundations and pillars. I expand my workshop with a Simple Loom and venture across the river in search of resources. This time, I journey to a mine, hoping to discover new areas and find iron.

My journey is fraught with danger as I am quickly attacked by two boars, which I manage to defeat after a tough fight. Further exploration leads me to the coveted iron ore, but my journey is interrupted by another boar encounter. With my backpack full, I teleport home to process the newly acquired materials into advanced products.

Determined to gather more, I return to the mine, collecting valuable resources but ultimately being overpowered by three boars. This harsh encounter highlights my current shortcomings in equipment and skills. After filling my backpack again, I teleport home once more to process the materials into more useful resources.

Join me in this adventurous quest, where the thrill of discovery is tempered by the ever-present danger of the unknown.


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