동물의 색에 숨겨진 놀라운 비밀!|진짜 파란 동물은 있을까?

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하지만 이들이 가진 파란색이
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동물들의 색에 숨겨진 놀라운 사실을
영상을 통해 만나 보시죠!

#파란색 #동물 #구조색
[참고 자료]
H.E.Hinton, G.M.Jarman., (1973). “Physiological colour change in the elytra of the hercules beetle, Dynastes hercules.”
Makoto Goda, Ryozo Fujii., (1995). "Blue Chromatophores in Two Species of Callionymid Fish."
Joseph T. Bagnara et al., (2006). "On the blue coloration of vertebrates."
Gill, Frank B, (2006). "Ornithology (3rd ed.)" p. 97
Hill, Geoffrey E, (2006). "Bird Coloration: Function and Evolution." p. 366–367
Jungyul Park et al., (2010). "Biologically inspired humidity sensor based on three-dimensional photonic crystals."
Doekele G. Stavenga et al., (2011). "Kingfisher feathers . colouration by pigments, spongy nanostructures and thin films."
Michel C. Milinkovitch et al., (2015). "Photonic crystals cause active colour change in chameleons."
Yulan Fu et al., (2016). "Structural colors: from natural to artificial systems."
Chang, H.-K., Park, J. (2018). "Flexible all-solid-state electrically tunable photonic crystals for chameleon-inspired artificial skin."

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