JOABLESS by Leonardo Beazotto

Описание к видео JOABLESS by Leonardo Beazotto

Happy to bring you this feel-good full-length video straight from Brazil.
JOABLESS - the name is a tribute to Joabe, one of the skaters in the video. Five months ago he had a serious accident on a downhill in Maringá. He got away with a broken leg and many bruises, but alive. This is why they called the video JOABLESS: Joabe + blessed.
CPT MAFIA joining in for a friendly collaboration with ZNS Crew.
Also, it is worth mentioning that the video only contains Brazilian music, since the crew wanted to shine some light on the rich & talent-filled Brazilian music culture. We love it!
After two premieres in Maringá and Sao Bernardo do Campo / SP, it is now ready to get it out to the world.

Featuring: Matheus Ferreira, Matheus Felipe, Felipe Rocha, Gabriel Domingues, Alexandre Ramos, Bruno Prado, Luis Beazotto, Leonardo Beazotto, Gabriel Brazil, Matheus Santos, Cristofer Silva, Cptmafia, Matheus Lima, Raphael Soares, Yuri Amaro, Lucas Marques, Wellington Oliveira, Gabriel Romero, Giovanni Franzo, Leonardo Adrian, Leonardo Favaro, Leonardo Bibiano, Anderson Gomes, Felipe Munhoz.

Filmed & Edited by Leonardo Beazotto

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