Nick Page Guitars Metatron (played by Peter Schilmöller)

Описание к видео Nick Page Guitars Metatron (played by Peter Schilmöller)

Demo of the Metatron, an archtop guitar built by German luthier Nick Page ( The Metatron is a quite unique guitar: Its top is made from aluminium (with spruce bracings inside). It holds a spruce "cone" on which the maple brige is placed. But, what looks like a cone and refers to a dobro guitar, actually is an unbraced, arched spruce top. The Nick Page Metatron is available at Gitarren Studio Neustadt (
In order to write a review for the upcoming issue of German guitar magazine "grand gtrs" ( I had the opportunity to test and play this guitar at home. The recordings of this video were made with a Bogner Shiva amplifier, a TC Electronic Ditto X2 Looper and two Shure KSM-27 microphones in front of the amp.

Guitar: Peter Schilmöller (

Music composed by Peter Schilmöller.


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