Who Framed Roger Rabbit NES Easy Dynamite, How to Get 6 Lives, Secret Password Gives Dynamite

Описание к видео Who Framed Roger Rabbit NES Easy Dynamite, How to Get 6 Lives, Secret Password Gives Dynamite

Every time you start the game, if you don't have a Wallet, pick one up and run straight to the store to buy Dynamite.
In any real Password (Meaning a password that starts the game and doesn't take you back to Main Menu) that you enter says 3 Lives.
You can hold down the buttons of DOWN & SELECT on last letter or number of password & press A button.
It will change 3 Lives to 6.
The last password in the game gives you a bunch of items but not 9, and also gives you Dynamite.

There are 2 Magical Houses in the very top second part of Toon Town that refill Items by using them in bedrooms and picking them back up.
Punches, searching and item use can't be used in those houses.


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