Pectoralis Major Muscle Strain

Описание к видео Pectoralis Major Muscle Strain

Dr Ozello's Sports Medicine Report: Pectoralis Major Muscle Strain AKA Pec Strain

***Disclaimer: Viewing this video does not take the place of seeing a medical professional or working with a certified fitness professional. Please visit a medical professional for evaluation, diagnosis and treatment. Please work with a fitness professional to learn proper exercise technique and to develop a proper training program. Never perform an exercise that elicits or intensifies symptoms. If an exercise elicits or intensifies symptoms, stop immediately and use a viable substitute. Always perform all exercises through a symptom free range of motion. Begin your training at your current health, fitness and strength levels. Increase intensity in small gradual calculated increments.

Pectoralis Major
Two heads: Clavicular and Sternocostal
Origin: Head of clavicle, anterior sternum, costal cartilages 1-7, sternal end of rib 6 and aponeurosis of external oblique.
Insertion: Anterior proximal humerus.
Concentric Actions: Flexion, adduction and medial rotation of arm at glenohumeral joint.
Clavicular Head: Flexion of extended arm.
Sternocostal Head: Extension of flexed arm.
Clavicular Head - Lateral Pectoral Nerve. (C5-C7).
Sternocostal Head - Medial Pectoral Nerve (C6, C7, C8 & T1).

Pectoralis Major Muscle Strain
Insidious or Sudden onset.
Insidious: Overuse injury.
Sudden: Traumatic Injury.
Push-ups, Dumbbell flyes and bench press (Especially wide grip).
Throwers Javelin, Shot put, discus and frisbee golf AKA Disc Golf.

Contributing Factors
Hypertonicity of anterior shoulder muscles.
Shoulder instability.
Weak scapular protractors. Rhomboid Major, rhomboid minor, middle traps and lower traps.
Upper cross syndrome.
Poor technique.
Overuse. Too much training, too large of increase in volume, inadequate rest between training sessions and/or competitions and insufficient recovery techniques.

Manual Length Test: Pectoralis Major AKA Pectoralis Major Contracture Test: Two arm positions.
Patient supine.
Abducts shoulders to ninety degrees. Clavicular Head.
Abducts shoulders to one hundred and fifty degrees. Sternocostal Head.
Relaxes shoulders and lets arms fall toward table.
Positive: Arms do not lower below table level.
Indicates: Hypertonicity or shortening of pectoralis major.

Seek professional care immediately to rule out a serious pathology and to get proper evaluation, diagnosis and treatment plan.

Receive Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care is a catalyst for improving a person’s health, fitness, function and recuperation. Chiropractic care is drug-free, surgery-free functional medicine. The primary objectives of chiropractic treatment are the optimization of nerve flow and the re-establishment of correct skeletal biomechanics. Chiropractic treatment works for preventive and maintenance care. Chiropractic care is effective for a large number of sports-related injuries. Chiropractic care restores correct skeletal joint motion, optimizes nerve flow, decreases muscle tension, increases range of motion and decreases symptoms.

Prevention and Rehabilitation
Stretch Pectoralis major, Pectoralis Minor, Serratus Anterior, Latissimus Dorsi, Teres Major and the anterior ribcage muscles with chest muscles stretches in a supine position on the floor, fitball and foam roller.

Build proportional shoulder strength.
Strengthen the posterior shoulder muscles to stabilize the scapula and combat a strength imbalance. Strengthen the Scapular Retractor muscles (Rhomboid Major, Rhomboid Minor, Middle Trapezius, Lower Trapezius), Posterior Rotator Cuff Muscles (Supraspinatis, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor) and Posterior Deltoid.

Dr Donald A Ozello DC of Championship Chiropractic in Las Vegas, NV
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