【LOUDNESS】Slaughter House ギター弾いてみた(Guitar Cover)

Описание к видео 【LOUDNESS】Slaughter House ギター弾いてみた(Guitar Cover)

リクエストを頂いたこともあり弾いてみましたが、弾けてない…(~_~;) 速弾き、最後の下降タッピングフレーズなどテクニック的にも難しいし、ノリが出ない…

Since I received request, I tried to play it, but it didn't work....(~_~;) It's technically difficult to play quickly, and the tapping phrase at the end is difficult, and it doesn't get into the groove...
I tried not to sway as much as possible, but as the song progressed, it gradually returned to as usual (;^_^A

#LOUDNESS #slaughterhouse #高崎晃 #akiratakasaki #弾いてみた


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