
Описание к видео 自己送自己一个披萨。

一对90后农村夫妻 还有一个刚出生不久的小baby
生活有吵有闹 有喜有悲 学习用手机记录我们生活日常
生活很美 享受美好
生活不在别处 当下即是全部
希望我们都能一直做自己 成为自己想成为的人
热爱生活 热爱分享 每天都是不一样的日常
感谢订阅 祝大家天天开心

A rural couple born in the 1990s and a newborn baby
Life has its ups and downs, joys and sorrows. Let’s learn to use mobile phones to record our daily lives.
Life is beautiful, enjoy the beauty
Life is not elsewhere, the present is everything
I hope we can always be ourselves and become who we want to be
Record my whole day vlog~
Be happy every day, stay happy
Love life, love sharing, every day is different
Thank you for subscribing. I wish you all a happy day.

   / @rtertertewt  


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