My Band's First Tour

Описание к видео My Band's First Tour

My band Sungazer and Shubh Saran's band toured together as part of #shubhgazer2019 across the east and southern US in November of 2019. Here us is the vlog thing we put together.


Check out a live video of Shubh's band at Charlie's in Norfolk (and more BTS footage)
   • HAZE Live in Norfolk | Shubh Saran  

Sungazer is...

Bass/Programming - Adam Neely
Drums - Shawn Crowder

(joined by Christian Li, Jared Yee, Josh Bailey, and also by Zac Zinger and Angelo Spam)

Thanks to Shubh Saran for all his help, as well as Brian Plautz for that fire song he wrote at the Canal Club in Richmond. Big thanks to Liz Maney for videoing and photoing and helping edit stuff.


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