VLOG 35 | Ethnic Day '24 💫 | Christ University Central Campus, Bangalore

Описание к видео VLOG 35 | Ethnic Day '24 💫 | Christ University Central Campus, Bangalore

I'm Harsh, and Bhasha Utsav (slash) Ethnic Day is here!!
This day is meant to be the best day of our academic year and yes it stood to its name!! The day where all the Christites went all out and enjoyed themselves!! Music, Dance, and Fun.... This day had it all and oh I'm sure you're gonna enjoy watching this as much as we enjoyed the day!!

Welcome to Mr. Situation-vert, your passport to a tour of fun experiences in the life of a law student!

Hope you enjoy the video and do hit the like button.
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#christuniversity #ethnicday #ethnnicaday2024 #christites
#dance #music #christuniversitybanglore #christuniversitycentralcampus #schooloflaw #bangalore #endsemesterexams #bengaluru #1stsemesterexam #vlog #law #christuniversity #college #collegelife #comedy #ballbstudents #llb #fun #cia #weekend #week #weekdays


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