Integrating citizen scientists into fish tagging programs in the Murray-Darling Basin

Описание к видео Integrating citizen scientists into fish tagging programs in the Murray-Darling Basin

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One Basin webinars:

00:00 - Presenter intros | Acknowledgement of Country
01:55 - Project background
04:51 - The 'How to' of the project
07:47 - Types of fish tagging | PIT tagging
10:06 - Where in the MDB is Larry?
14:48 - Challenges in uptake | Workshops
20:24 - Preliminary results | Opportunities
24:30 - Current status | Future plans
25:36 - Key outcomes | Q&A

**Description** Webinar number 183

Watch this webinar to learn from Charles Sturt University’s Dr Katie Doyle and Mr Braeden Lampard from OzFish Unlimited about a One Basin QuickStart project exploring the potential for citizen scientists to be involved in fish tagging programs in the Murray-Darling Basin.

This work is a pilot study to determine if community members can be trained to tag fish, while working within animal ethics and fisheries regulations. The work will establish the framework, through training and collaboration, for citizen scientists to be incorporated into basin-scale programs.

#pittag #tag #tagging #animalethics #ethics #datamanagement #workshops ‪@charlessturtuniversity‬ ‪@OZFISHERIES‬


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