This Is Magic Heroic 7 Tier 4 Sub-bosses Clear (21.5.24) - Injustice 2 Mobile (Free to play)

Описание к видео This Is Magic Heroic 7 Tier 4 Sub-bosses Clear (21.5.24) - Injustice 2 Mobile (Free to play)

Made a lot of mistakes in this round of playthrough, particularly on Blue Beetle and Starfire.

Boss Cyborg has a chance to stun his opponents upon tagging in, and his attacks become critical on stunned opponents. He also deals additional damage to Tech heroes.

Boss Shazam is immune to crit and lethal, has resistance to DOT, and deals additional damage to Agility heroes. I'm quite pleased with how it went this time. Perhaps I should have swapped this build to fight boss Blue Beetle instead.

Boss Blue Beetle forces a longer tag in time, and removes gear bonuses from Arcane heroes. Therefore, I swapped Raiden out to fight Cyborg, which still turned out to be ok. But I made the mistake in the past fielding HBHQ (I even kept a record of it!), but I did it again... 😓😓 Disappointed with myself. Too rushed with decisions (while I play during commuting).

Boss Starfire has chaos, and disables Sp2. She drain power bars upon successful specials. Her moves are generally time wasting. I made the mistake trying to accumulate combos on my BB, resulting in precious time lost. If I forego the combo and just spammed Sp3, I think I would have gotten rid of her, and proceeded with JLSM with Silver Banshee build already. Again, disappointed... 😭😭 I also made the judgment call to not fully equip Zatanna, hoping that she will die early. But it didn't happen.

I'm committed to upload at least one round of playthrough for Heroic 7 in this window, even if it's bad and unglam. I am ok to openly show my failures honestly, and I admit that my performances are sometimes really subpar.

I am a FREE TO PLAY player, so I generally work with whatever that is given free.


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