General Fertilizer Considerations for Cannabis Production

Описание к видео General Fertilizer Considerations for Cannabis Production

General Fertilizer Considerations for Cannabis Production

Professor DeBacco

General Fertilizer Ratio and Dilution
In general a 2-1-2 (N-P-K) ratio is often considered to be the standard for cannabis
Regarding concentrations manufactures recommendations should provide the starting point.

Fertilizer Concentration Check
In general an EC (or ppm) meter can be used to check the concentrations of nutrient solutions.
Electrical Conductivity (EC) or Parts per Million (ppm) Meter- measures the salts in the water
Tap water example = 0.4 ms/m or ~200ppm
Nutrient Solution example = 1.3 ms/m or ~650ppm

Using The Meter
Goal is to measure water being given to the plants and also what is coming out of the container/substrate
This will help growers dial in their feeding concentrations so they can maximize plant production while also limiting nutrients lost/wasted.

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