Tarcutta Creek Fish Habitat Restoration 2020

Описание к видео Tarcutta Creek Fish Habitat Restoration 2020

Volunteers from OzFish Wagga Chapter, in partnership with Murrumbidgee Landcare, have given fish habitat in Tarcutta Creek a new lease of life.

The Creek has suffered severe erosion through the multiple flood events occurring between 2010 and 2016. The eroding banks meant overhanging vegetation was swept away along with snags. Micro habitats were smothered with sediment, reducing fish habitat to an all-time low.

After mass bank and habitat damage, community groups came together to find a solution to improve the waterway they love.

This habitat restoration project has been made possible with funding from NSW DPI Fisheries’ Recreational Fishing Trust’s Habitat Action Grants and OzFish’s major partner; BCF - Boating Camping Fishing.


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