Aging clocks - how to measure biological age.

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I hope you have some time on you hands as today we will talk all about aging clocks...

When we think of age we typically think of our chronological age - how many years have passed since we were born. Whilst a useful measurement to assess risk for different diseases, it now seems there are even better ways of predicting your health status. This can be done by inferring biological age, an age that can be derived from different biomarkers and the use of aging clocks.

This field of aging clocks is growing rapidly and there is now evidence to support the use of many different types of aging clocks; epigenetic/DNA methylation, transcriptomic, human microbiome and proteomic to name a few. But do they fulfil the key desirable features of aging clocks and what can we learn from them about the aging process?

Well in this video we will address these areas and also see what aging clocks are currently commercially available as well as the future challenges the field faces.

Intro - 00:00
Aging clocks & Biological age - 00:30
Features of aging clocks - 02:30
Why aging clocks are useful - 04:45
Epigenetic & DNA methylation - 05:25
Biological age reversal - 07:40
Other clocks - 08:10
Proteomic clocks & iAge - 08:45
Challenges - 10:10
Commercially available - 12:30

Lehallier, B., Gate, D., Schaum, N. et al. Undulating changes in human plasma proteome profiles across the lifespan. Nat Med 25, 1843–1850 (2019).
Horvath, S. DNA methylation age of human tissues and cell types. Genome Biol 14, 3156 (2013).
Lu, Y., Brommer, B., Tian, X. et al. Reprogramming to recover youthful epigenetic information and restore vision. Nature 588, 124–129 (2020).
Levine ME, Lu AT, Quach A, Chen BH, Assimes TL, Bandinelli S, Hou L, Baccarelli AA, Stewart JD, Li Y, Whitsel EA, Wilson JG, Reiner AP, et al. An epigenetic biomarker of aging for lifespan and healthspan. Aging (Albany NY). 2018; 10:573-591.
Underlying features of epigenetic aging clocks in vivo and in vitro -
Reversal of epigenetic aging and immunosenescent trends in humans -
BiT age: A transcriptome-based aging clock near the theoretical limit of accuracy -
Available tests -

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