The Viper's 13 MINUTE Tatar AOE2 FAST CASTLE Build Order

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This AOE2 Fast Castle build order is one that The Viper used recently to reach castle age in 13 minutes. This is a Tatar 22+2 build order

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The AOE2 Definitive Edition 22 + 2 population Tatar fast castle takes advantage of the Tatar civ bonuses where herdables have +50 food, 2 sheep spawn at the TC upon reaching feudal age and 2 sheep spawn at every new town center that is created. This is an advanced build order that includes pushing deer but a noob friendly version will be out soon (link will be below)

you can see the viper using this strategy here:-    • The New Tatars Boom is INSANE!  

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Vipers 13 minute Tatar fast Castle AOE2 build order is as follows:-

6 Sheep
3 wood
1 house then lure boar (push 2 deer)
4 to food under TC (remaining deer)
4 berries (lure 2nd boar)
1 wood
2 gold
Click Feudal

Make blacksmith and market
2 new villagers to wood
Click Castle

move 8 vills to straggler trees
make house

make 2 TC's with straggler vills
1 from stragglers to food, 1 to wood
research double bit axe
research horse collar
2 new vills to sheep
research wheel barrow with new TC
builders go to new sheep

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Inspired by LeBouseuh    / @levraibouseuh  
& Liam    • Subscribe Button Green Screen  


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Unfa's Menu Sounds (by unfa)

BronzeBell2 (by Zabuhailo)


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