COLORES | Hands Of A Craftsman, Heart Of An Artist: Gustave Baumann | New Mexico PBS

Описание к видео COLORES | Hands Of A Craftsman, Heart Of An Artist: Gustave Baumann | New Mexico PBS - One of America's great craftsman, Gustave Baumann's color woodblock prints are masterpieces of meticulous craftsmanship and artistic vision. Occasionally interrupted by those pesty puppets, the narrative for this documentary is composed of excerpts from Baumanns own unpublished autobiography. This film presents an unparalleled insight into Baumanns artistic mind and creative process and presents superb photographic tour of his beautiful woodblock prints. He used hand ground pigments, exact carving and fine papers to create flawless prints. Each print is a simple and elegant study of the customs, people and landscape of New Mexico.



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