LINTERNA TACTICA CAMBIO DE LEED // Change from led to tactical flashlight

Описание к видео LINTERNA TACTICA CAMBIO DE LEED // Change from led to tactical flashlight

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Cambio de led a linterna táctica

Le eh cambiado un par de veces el led a esta linterna táctica la cual utiliza una batería recargable TR 18650A de 3800 mAh y 3.7V.
Se me complicó un poco poder quitar la soldadura con el cautín así que tuve que cortar al ras los cables y así poder cambiar el led.
Modelo del led: LED-P3W200-120/41

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Change from led to tactical flashlight

I have changed the led a couple of times on this tactical flashlight which uses a TR 18650A 3800 mAh and 3.7V rechargeable battery.
It was a bit complicated for me to be able to remove the solder with the soldering iron so I had to cut the cables flush and thus be able to change the led.

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