Food in Chinese - 100 Chinese Food Words and Phrases - 2020

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Today we’re going to learn 100 the most common words/ phrases for food in Chinese. It’s important to know some basic vocabulary and phrases for food when traveling in China. You’ll find it handy when going out to eat or when shopping for food in a market.

This video is divided into 8 main parts, this is the quick link:
✓ Meat in Chinese    • Food in Chinese - 100 Chinese Food Wo...  
Eg: jī ròu 鸡肉 chicken, niú ròu 牛肉 beef, zhū ròu 猪肉 pork…
✓Seafood in Chinese    • Food in Chinese - 100 Chinese Food Wo...  
Eg: yú 鱼fish,xiè 蟹 crab,xiā 虾shrimp…
✓Vegetables in Chinese    • Food in Chinese - 100 Chinese Food Wo...  
Eg: dòu fu 豆腐tofu, huā yē cài 花椰菜 broccoli, yáng cōng 洋葱 onion…
✓Chinese Menu Mainstays    • Food in Chinese - 100 Chinese Food Wo...  
dòu jiāng 豆浆 soy milk, jī dàn 鸡蛋 egg, jiǎo zi饺子dumplings…
✓Chinese Good Regional Dishes    • Food in Chinese - 100 Chinese Food Wo...  
Eg: sìchuān huǒ guō 火锅sichuan hot pot, chā shāo 叉烧 cantonese barbeque pork, běijīng kǎo yā 北京烤鸭peking duck…
✓Flavor in Chinese    • Food in Chinese - 100 Chinese Food Wo...  
Eg: là 辣spicy, suān 酸 sour, xián 咸salty…
✓Chinese Seasoning    • Food in Chinese - 100 Chinese Food Wo...  
Eg: jiàng yóu 酱油soy sauce, cù 醋 vinegar, zhī ma 芝麻 sesame…
✓Ordering food in Chinese    • Food in Chinese - 100 Chinese Food Wo...  
Eg: cān guǎn/cān tīng 餐馆/餐厅restaurant, fú wù yuan 服务waiter/waitress, cài dān 菜单 menu…

Feel free to comment your questions, I will answer all your questions in the comment section & my next video.


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