Tools of the Trade: Sail, Sack and Canvas Working

Описание к видео Tools of the Trade: Sail, Sack and Canvas Working

In this video, expert Des Pawson shows the tools and methods used to make sails, in particular looking at sack and canvas working.
This film was produced by Social History Curators Group in association with funding from Arts Council England.


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The Social History Curators Group (SHCG) was formed to improve the status and provision of social history in museums and the standards of collections, research, display and interpretation.

SHCG’s firstBASE is an online, searchable database of useful resources relating to a whole range of subjects, themes and objects dealt with by those who work with local and social history collections.

We're not just for curators but for anyone working with social history collections.

We host an annual conference and provide training, events and resources for members. We are a friendly group open to all - why not come and join us!

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