A Serious Runner Runs the Boston Marathon 2021 (Censored Edition)

Описание к видео A Serious Runner Runs the Boston Marathon 2021 (Censored Edition)

NOTE: This has been reposted without the on-course race footage after the @TheBostonMarathon media relations department insisted that the footage violated their deals with partners. As such, this is now presented without the on-course footage. As for the original edit, I'm afraid it will be lost to history.....

Everything has led to this point: the Boston Marathon 2021. Join a serious runner as he travels to Boston, goes to the Boston Marathon expo, visits the Tracksmith track house, and runs the epic, iconic race. Will a serious runner be able to get a PR? or just jog it in for a BQ, and qualify for Boston again? Will he stop for a kiss at Wellesley College? What will happen at the Newton Hills and Heartbreak Hill? Watch and find out what happens when he makes the right on Hereford and left on Bolyston!

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