The Fugitive (Extended Pilot, and remastered)

Описание к видео The Fugitive (Extended Pilot, and remastered)

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Episode remastered, extended, and edited by me. This episode originally aired on September 17, 1963

This tv series tells the story of Dr. Richard Kimble, who is wrongly accused of murdering his wife. Although he maintains his innocence, he is found guilty and sentenced to death. Dr. Kimble manages to escape a prisoner transport train that was delivering him to his place of execution. Relentlessly pursued by the well-meaning police lieutenant Philip Gerard, who handled the murder case and brought Dr. Kimble to justice is convinced of his guilt. Dr. Kimble, for his part, is now on the hunt for the real killer, a one-armed man whom he saw fleeing the house when he found his wife dead coming home.

Across America, Dr. Kimble's escape leads. He never rests and cannot fully trust anyone due to his perpetual fear of being discovered. Because of this, Dr. Kimble has to constantly use new identities and never stay in any one location for too long. And in addition to the support of friends, Kimble also meets strangers who help him in his adventurous search for the one-armed man.

Extra: On the day this pilot aired, possibly the most famous election in Iranian history took place, where the secular, pro-Shah New Iran Party won 140 of the 200 seats in the Iranian Majles. Also, famed German professor of both philosophy and psychology Dr. Eduard Spranger died in Tubingen, Germany.


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