Model Railway Construction: Ply Sandwich Baseboard Supports via Cardboard Aided Design

Описание к видео Model Railway Construction: Ply Sandwich Baseboard Supports via Cardboard Aided Design

Building baseboard frames to close the gap in the upper levels at Dongits Model Railway.

I'm making some complex shapes to support the upper levels, using a technique christened by the internet as "Cardboard Aided Design". Using cardboard templates allows both a rapid iteration on the design and a level of testing before cutting into potentially expensive materials.

Table of Contents:
00:00 - The Gap
00:31 - Outer Framing
01:30 - Cardboard Template
02:56 - Cardboard to Ply
05:11 - Installing the first ply side
09:39 - Installing the second ply side
10:18 - More templates
11:28 - Testing clearance
11:55 - Cutting out the remaining supports
13:57 - Installing the remaining supports


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