PEBSTER GEOLAB - Stahl als Grundverstärkung von Pfahlböschungen - Technische Universität Darmstadt

Описание к видео PEBSTER GEOLAB - Stahl als Grundverstärkung von Pfahlböschungen - Technische Universität Darmstadt

Hier erhaltet ihr einen Einblick in ein spannendes Projekt, welches an der TU Darmstadt stattfand!

Together with a great team from KELLER, Deltares and SHM System we developed and performed a large-scale geotechnical test on a #piled #embankment at Technische Universität Darmstadt. This was part of the #PEBSTER project, which was funded in the framework of the EU-project #GEOLAB and by KELLER.

In PEBSTER we explored the option, to use #steel as #basal #reinforcement of #piled #embankments. Beside our #large-scale test we also performed small scale models in the test setup of Suzanne van Eekelen at Deltares. We will compare the results at both scales in one of the future #publications.

The #video below shows the preparation and execution of the tests, where we also included extensive #distributed #fibre #optical measurements performed by SHM System.

We are currently evaluating the results. First papers will be presented on the #ECSMGE24 in Lisbon.

Many thanks to the great and highly professional #team, which is really fun to work with:
Suzanne van Eekelen, Michael Topolnicki, Marc Schneider, Marylin Hell, Paul Pandrea, Britt Wittekoek, Karolina Markowska, Rafal Sienko, Pascal SCHAUBER, Jörg Kreuzer, Andreas Schmidt, Peter Franke, Bernd Cvach, and many more.

If you want to perform large scale test in our pit as well, you can still #apply for the third #GEOLAB round or get in touch with Prof. Hauke Zachert.
Visit for more information about the GEOLAB project and the call for proposals.

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