GEARING - 3,6K XP - 4 Kills - World of Warships

Описание к видео GEARING - 3,6K XP - 4 Kills - World of Warships

Gearing — American Tier X destroyer.

Developed from the Fletcher class, Gearing was the largest destroyer built by the U.S. Navy during World War II. The ship was superior in firepower to all foreign counterparts, owing to new dual-purpose twin mounts with a very high rate of fire. Numerous automatic AA guns ensured a respective level of efficiency for her AA defenses.

As the Tier X American destroyer, Gearing represents the ultimate embodiment of the jack-of-all-trades destroyer in World of Warships.

Like all American destroyers, the primary focus is her main battery guns. Gearing is built around the same style of dual barrel 127mm turrets that form the main battery of Atlanta and Flint, as well as the secondary batteries of North Carolina, Iowa, and Montana. Gearing packs three such turrets, with a stock reload speed of 3.0 seconds. This makes her utterly devastating to enemy destroyers at close range, as few other destroyers in the game can match her raw rate of fire. Her main battery is also more than capable of threatening and harassing cruisers and battleships from behind cover or within the smoke.

As of Update 0.7.6, Gearing has a choice of torpedoes. Captains who are comfortable using Fletcher’s Mark 16 mod. 1 torpedo can continue to do so, while the Mark 17's are among the longest-legged fish in the game, clocking in at a 16.5 km range. Captains are unlikely to land many hits at that distance, but it gives Gearing the ability to threaten enemy ships from well beyond the range of her main battery. The Mark 17's are equally as difficult for opposing ships to spot as the Mark 16's, despite doing slightly less damage. Gearing’s access to Upgrade Slot 6 gives her the same choice Fletcher has between a couple of Main Battery Builds or a Torpedo Build when customizing her upgrades and commander skills.

Like Fletcher, Gearing can equip the Defensive AA Fire (While active, the damage per second of large-caliber anti-aircraft guns is increased.) consumable without giving up anything to do so, which helps shore up the traditional destroyer weakness to enemy airstrikes. Her anti-aircraft suite is otherwise unremarkable. Veteran American destroyer captains will also notice that Gearing handles differently than Benson and Fletcher; she's slightly slower to respond to rudder commands and has a noticeably larger turning radius. This makes her more challenging to handle in tight quarters or when dodging torpedoes. Captains should allow for some adjustment time in learning how Gearing handles differently before intentionally putting her into situations where precision handling is expected.

One notable curiosity about her armor scheme: Gearing sports an area of 21mm armor around her midsection, up from the 19 mm typical of destroyers of her tier. This is sufficient to shatter enemy high-explosive shells up to 129mm, which can give an extra advantage in duels with most other destroyers. Opposing destroyers are advised to either use AP against a broadside Gearing or avoid aiming at her midsection.

Despite having below average top speed for her tier, Gearing can adapt to changing battlefield situations in ways capable of making captains of other destroyers jealous.

A very high rate of fire and quick main battery traverse speed.
Fairly good AA suite for a destroyer.
Has access to the Defensive AA Fire (While active, the damage per second of large-caliber anti-aircraft guns is increased.) consumable.
Good concealment.
The upgraded Mark 17 torpedoes have an excellent range (16.5 km).
With her unique upgrade installed, Gearing becomes one of the stealthiest destroyers in the game.

Poor shell velocity and high arcs make long-range gunnery difficult.
Shortest main battery range in tier/class.
Lowest HE fire chance among Tier 10 destroyers, tied with Yueyang.
Fairly long torpedo reload time with the Mark 17 torpedoes.
The Mark 17 torpedoes have lower damage and flooding chance than the stock torpedoes.
Quite sluggish for an American destroyer.

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