Twilight Zone - What is the Spiritual Impact of Membership of Freemasonry?

Описание к видео Twilight Zone - What is the Spiritual Impact of Membership of Freemasonry?

During Yemi’s research into freemasonry, he came across several books.
Some were written by freemasons themselves explaining what their organisation is all about.
They talk about the charitable works that freemasons are into.
They stress on the fact that someone must believe in God before they can be accepted to become members of the society.
It does not matter what religious background such person is from.
They also stress the fact that they are not a secret society, but a society with secrets.
And that it is a society that’s there for the good of mankind.
Then Yemi looked at some other materials written by people who were not freemasons themselves.
The information in these materials were contrary to what the freemasons say about themselves.
He then came across a well-researched book titled, ‘’The Brotherhood’’, written by an investigative journalist called Stephen Knight.
It was the most objective material he came across.
In the book ‘’The Brotherhood’’, he discovered that majority of freemasons across the world don’t go beyond the Third Degree.
And if you haven’t gone beyond the Third Degree, you will not know the inner workings of freemasonry.
He then decided to talk to former freemasons and encourage them to share their personal experiences.
So, on The Twilight Zone you will be hearing from a former freemason and his wife.
They will be talking about their personal experiences.


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