Flawless TzKal-Zuk (HM) [No food/Melee]

Описание к видео Flawless TzKal-Zuk (HM) [No food/Melee]

Alternative title: Obsidian and Vampyrism make one hell of a tank.

It was really enjoyable to figure out how to get through the waves, and interestingly enough it seems like using the batched spawning of the wave mobs to your advantage - bursting down enemies while the wave is still spawning - is one of the best ways to increase survivability here. This kind of strategy can be applied for any type of kill if you're worried about getting overwhelmed by damage and KO'd.

Waves 1-3 are easy to get through, just take out the Xil first on waves 2 and 3.

Waves 4/9/14 can be done with a slow, methodical strategy - start north and kill the Igneous Hur before the 2nd batch of enemies spawn, then go west of the Tok-Xil to trap the Hur and Xil. Take out the rangers, then the mages, then lure the Yt-MejKot behind the rock while finishing off the Igneous Mej. The Yt-MejKot can be used to prepare whatever damage boosts you want to have active on Zuk.

Wave 6 - Start north. Keep the Yt-MejKot behind the Xil while taking out Kih and Xil. Watch for Jad.

Wave 7 - Start north. Take out the Mej and Kih, then keep the Yt-MejKot trapped behind rocks and/or rangers.

Wave 8 - Start west. Burst down the Mej, then surge/BD east and burst down the other Mej. Take out rangers while keeping the Yt-MejKot trapped.

Wave 11 - Start southeast. Take out all the trash nearby while keeping an eye on the Jads. This wave should be ended on max HP and max adrenaline.

Wave 12 a.k.a. the true last boss for this run - Start north. Bleed the Kih to death, then move to west and be ready to burst down 2 Tok-Xil west and east. When the Ket-Zek spawn, pray magic and use Devotion. Use Freedom to clear the bleed from the Ket-Zek when Devotion runs out. After this, cycle defensives while doing damage to the Ket-Zek, then the Mej, until the wave is finished.
(sidenote: the fact that I messed up by both not fully killing the first Tok-Xil AND not equipping my Obsidian Platebody and somehow didn't die is an absurd display of sheer luck.)

Wave 13 - Start north. Burst down the Tok-Xil, then start taking down mages while cycling defensives when needed. Don't move too far east so the southern Tok-Xil stays trapped behind his rock.

Triple Jads, Har-Aken and Zuk himself are all very straightforward.

I did this partially because I was annoyed at how messy my first melee run was, partially because Evil Lucario did a no-food run and it looked pretty fun.


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