GERD vs spit up

Описание к видео GERD vs spit up

It can be so upsetting to spend all that time breastfeeding, pumping, or bottle prepping only to see all that milk come back up minutes later 🥲

But the reality is most babies experience some degree of spit-up. This can be due to many reasons such as immaturity of the muscular ring in the esophagus that can cause milk to come back up, increased swallowing of air, an improper latch at bottle or breast, and even things like torticollis (a tight muscle in the neck).

Babies who experience this normal physiologic reflux are often called "happy spitters" because they aren't bothered by the spit-up and are still feeding well and gaining weight well.

In contrast to babies with physiologic reflux, those with GERD, or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, are often uncomfortable during periods of reflux. With GERD, the combination of the force of milk coming back up the esophagus and the amount of the spit up can lead to increased acid production and irritation as well as discomfort. Symptoms of GERD can include fussiness or seeming uncomfortable during or after feeds, back arching during or after feeds, feeding refusal, frequent coughing, or poor weight gain.

As parents, witnessing your child in discomfort and struggling to find relief can be emotionally draining and physically exhausting. It's essential to work closely with their clinician to develop a tailored treatment plan and to utilize your own support system as GERD can be a difficult diagnosis for parents to navigate and support their infant through.

For more info on GERD be sure to check out my YouTube channel for a video on GERD where I also cover when it's important to see a clinician, and be sure to subscribe to catch an upcoming video on treatment options.

Was your baby a happy spitter? Or have GERD? What worked well for them? Comment below!


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