SUPER RARE! Rear Bedroom!! 2022 Rockwood 2506S (**Special DOUBLE FEATURE!!**)

Описание к видео SUPER RARE! Rear Bedroom!! 2022 Rockwood 2506S (**Special DOUBLE FEATURE!!**)

2022 Forest River RV Rockwood Mini Lite Azdel Ultralite Front & Outside Kitchen Half-ton Towable Travel Trailer!
• Check Pricing & Availability for the...
→ Rockwood 2506S
→ Flagstaff 25FKS
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2022 Rockwood 2506S Specs
Empty +/-5,585lbs (Varies by equipment)
CCC 1,523
Max 6,804
Hitch 644 lb.
Length 25' 11"
Height 10' 11"
Width 8'0"
Fresh 52gal
Gray 60gal
Black 30gal
Awning 17ft

Enjoy today's "Science Fiction Double Feature" and Shiver with antici.... PATION at we get not one but TWO completely different looks inside this popular front kitchen Mini Lite Rockwood 2506S travel trailer!

Today we'll get to see two fabrics, two wood tones, two different seating setups, and more!!

Also, take a minute to check out this one's brother with a full bed slide out at the same length!!
→    • Full BED SLIDE & only 26ft!! 2022 Roc...  

We are Haylett Auto & RV of Coldwater Michigan! Family Owned & Operated Since 1989 and Going Strong! | 800-256-5196 |

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