Requiem Op. 48 - Introit and Kyrie - Gabriel Fauré - Fluente Chorus

Описание к видео Requiem Op. 48 - Introit and Kyrie - Gabriel Fauré - Fluente Chorus

Fluente Chorus Concert 2023 - Renaître 《四散》

Requiem Op. 48 Introit and Kyrie

Music: Gabriel Fauré (1845 - 1924)
Traditional Requiem Mass Text

Conductor: 郭懿恩 Michelle Kwok

Orchestra Members 管弦樂團成員:
Viola 中提琴
Cheryl Chung 鍾芷欣
Chloe Lau 劉芷蕎
Jacky Yung 容博賢
Jocasta Lo 盧樂文
Jonathan Wu 胡俊睎*
Nicole Lau 劉芷芊
*Violin solo 小提琴獨奏

Cello 大提琴
Erica Wong 王爾琪
Stanley Yeung 楊帆
Vanne Cheung 張蔚瑩
Tina Wong 黃天嵐

Double Bass 低音大提琴
Bernice Chan 陳暉鏇

Timpani 定音鼓
Sam Lau 劉心

Clarinet 單簧管
Tsui Hiu Nam 徐曉嵐

Horn 法國號
Kwan Long-ching 關朗程
Oceana Lo 羅愷姸

Trumpet 小號
Kevin Au 歐俊傑
Ethan Sze 施欣偉

Organ 管風琴
Felix Yeung 楊欣諾

Harp 豎琴
Chloe Lau 劉康澄


剪接: Run Lui Lui ‪@plklui25‬
錄音&混音: Alex Chuk

Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine,
et lux perpetua luceat eis.
Te decet hymnus, Deus, in Sion,
et tibi reddetur votum in Jerusalem.
Exaudi orationem meam:
ad te omnis caro veniet.
Kyrie eleison. Christe eleison.
Kyrie eleison.

Grant them eternal rest, lord,
and may perpetual light shine upon them.
Thou, o God, art praised in Sion,
and unto Thee
Shall the vow be performed in Jerusalem
Hear my prayer: unto Thee shall all
flesh come.
Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy,
Lord have mercy.


Fluente Chorus 洽聲
Facebook / Instgram: fluentechorus


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