GBO2 Gundam EX: Is the Netflix Gundam too good?

Описание к видео GBO2 Gundam EX: Is the Netflix Gundam too good?

This video contains two matches I had with the recently released LV1 Gundam EX on Gundam Battle Operation 2. It is a 400 cost general with a fairly well rounded kit, great melee damage, two instant staggers, good mobility and a new jumping skill that allows it to hop around the battlefield. Its weaknesses would be that it has mediocre stagger accumulation, awkward melee recovery times alongside having no easy way to chain its instant staggers together. The developers have really surprised me, here I thought that this suit was gonna be OP, but they actually managed to make a really fun suit that is at the same time, very well balanced. I hope that you enjoy watching!

Its primary weapon is a beam rifle with 1300 (1850) power, 2.5 seconds cooldown, 60% (85%) heat, 14 seconds overheat, 0.77 seconds swap time, 300m (400m) range, 3 seconds focus time and 10% (20%) stagger value. This is overall an inferior version of the original Gundam's beam rifle, except for the fact that it pierces when charged. You can chain a stun from this into your bazooka against enemies without Maneuver Armor, but it isn't always consistent.
Its primary melee weapon is a beam saber with 1800 power, 2.5 seconds cooldown, 0.77 seconds swap time, 75%x2 downswing modifier and 60% combo modifier. This can deal pretty high damage, but the downswing is too slow to go from a downswing into another downswing, so you need to follow-up with your other melee weapon for max damage.
Its first sub weapon is a head vulcan with 50x2 power, 40 ammo, 400 RPM, 10 seconds reload, 0.5 seconds swap time, 150m range, 667 DPS and 3%x2 stagger value. This has decent DPS and stagger value on paper, but it only has 20 ammo effectively. It is best used after a bazooka shot if you need stagger accumulation.
Its second sub weapon is a bazooka with 1500 power, 4 ammo, 6 seconds cooldown, 12 seconds reload, 1.77 seconds swap time, 300m range and 60% stagger value. This has overall amazing performance for a sub weapon bazooka, especially a 400 cost one. It has the downside of having poor rocket velocity though, making it hard to use at longer ranges.
Its third sub weapon is the suits bare hands with 1600 power, 2 seconds cooldown, 0.33 seconds swap time, 190% downswing modifier and 70% combo modifier. The regular swings on this are short ranged, but the downswing is a fast start-up kick with incredible power and range. It has long recovery if you use it close up though, alongside being tricky to connect with against knocked over enemies.
Its fourth sub weapon is a shoulder gatling gun with 120 power, 60 ammo, 600 RPM, 18 seconds reload, 0.5 seconds swap time, 300m range, 1200 DPS and 1% stagger value. This has pitiful stagger value, but really good DPS. It is good to use after a stun or for when you don't want to get in the way of your allies.
It also has a large shield with 3500 HP. This has a fairly high amount of HP for a shield at 400 cost, but it boosts your walking and turning speed by 15% once it breaks.

The LV1 Gundam EX has 14500 HP, 19 ballistic/beam resist and 15 melee resist. It has pretty average durability, it isn't squishy but it isn't bulky. It gets not just LV1 Emergency Evasion, but also a new skill called Tactical Jump. This skill can be activated by tapping the jump button while holding a direction on the left analog stick while in the recovery animation for a melee swing or after a landing. If activated, your MS will hop in the direction held. These jumps also consume 30% less thrust than normal, and you have instant stagger resistance during them.
It also has 130 (133 including affinity) walking speed, 190 boosting speed, 60 thrust and 66 (72 including affinity) turning speed. It lacks Forced Injectors and Flight Control, but it feels really nimble. It handles a lot better than most 400 cost generals, it even feels like it has good strafing speed modifiers.

In conclusion, I think that the Gundam EX is pretty powerful, but not cost breaking. It definitely feels like the developers were very considerate with their balancing choices. For example, the vulcans don't have much ammo, the melee downswings have fairly long recovery, the gatling gun can't stagger, the beam rifle isn't that strong on its own, the bazooka projectile has poor velocity, it isn't too durable and it is vulnerable to raw melee swings if it just spams the tactical jump skill. Not to discount its strengths at all, but it is not a suit that will be able to roll over the entire cost without effort, it feels well balanced. I just wish that the developers would go back and rework the older 400 cost generals to be this well thought out. Thanks for watching, and I hope that you enjoyed it!

Music used:

Prince of Stride, Sidewalk Breeze

Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, A Good Thing is Possible


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