Motorcyclist chases scooter thieves in London

Описание к видео Motorcyclist chases scooter thieves in London

I'll leave all comments from now on. partly because I wasn't sure why I was reporting them. There's a community, and guidelines, but I'm not here to snitch. Plus is against my worldview. I guess I just felt leaving them was condoning them.

Plus, I realised, they're snitching on themselves. And it will bee easy, years hence, for their grandchildren to link their accounts, via usernames or login times or common misspellings and phrases. Hoping to find an interesting story, that they were a hacker or started the rebellion, or was shagging around on gramma "oh, nope, gramps was just a weird angry racist who couldn't spell for shit".

Responses to your most common comments:
-Yes, the guy on the bicycles was with him. That's what tipped me off. We're both very perceptive aren't we.
-No, you cannot perform a citizens arrest on someone for riding two bicycles. Even if you're pretty sure someone near them is committing a crime.
-Yes, I could've knocked him off and risked my own safety, risked losing my brand new GS 1200 (as I'd then be outnumbered and standing next to a £10,000 motorcycle with its keys in it), and potentially a criminal charge if I was wrong and he was legally in possession of it just riding it like a dickwad.
-"I would've done X" Wow. I believe you. That's impressive. Aren't you tough. Here's a cookie. I hope you have a good lawyer.
-"Oh look he's Muslim/Non-white." Oh look you're a fucking idiot.

Still not sure if I was silly or a sissy. Definitely something that started with si and ended in y. Figured that with a bit of footage of the chap's face the police might be able to do something.

And again. I'm really sorry about the awful sound.


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