Moonsorrow - Rockmaraton 2024 (full show)

Описание к видео Moonsorrow - Rockmaraton 2024 (full show)

Shaky video, good audio. Dunaújváros, Hungary, 2024.07.13.

0:00:00 01. Jumalten aika
0:11:27 02. Ruttolehto
0:26:30 03. Jumalten kaupunki
0:36:57 04. Suden tunti
0:44:00 05. Jotunheim
0:57:15 06. Sankaritarina

Show notes:

When the "Jumalten aika" intro started I realized how long it had been since I last heard that song live — and a look at shows me they hadn't played it in some years. The second song being "Ruttolehto" made me wonder if they were going to play the whole album, but then the intro for "Jumalten kaupunki" confirmed they weren't. In that moment I realized that I had heard that song live only once in my life, in February 2012, with Henri on guitar instead of Janne. While it's not the rarest song, it's not very frequent either — 2 times in 17 concerts since 2011 says something, I guess!

The rest of the set was more usual. "Suden tunti" (The Hour of the Wolf) was announced exactly at midnight, 00:00, as confirmed by a friend of mine who looked at his phone in that moment. "Jotunheim" was as wonderful as it always is, and with it they filled 60 minutes; but they didn't leave, and usual closer "Sankaritarina" ended the show. This was a bit surprising. They actually got a longer slot than legends Accept the previous day.

Recording notes:

Recorded with an iPhone 11 Pro. The sound in the first row was terrible (bass saturation), and comments like "if you want clear sound stay home and listen to the album arf arf" are fucking stupid, so after the first few minutes I started to move, looking for a spot with good sound yet close to the stage. As usual, the sound in the recording is a lot better than what I could hear being there — I guess the iPhone has a better sound processor than my primitive eardrums. I was too excited to care about the video recording, however. The main value of this recording is the audio.

I use a flip case that allows me to grab the phone more comfortably, but not to see the screen, so that neither I nor the people behind me will be distracted by it; and I don't lift my phone above my head. This is why the video is obstructed and shaky. Well, alright, I spent most of this concert with both arms up, and therefore the camera is high up too. Also shook more than usual.


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