No New Roads: A Better Choice for Austin

Описание к видео No New Roads: A Better Choice for Austin

Time and again, we hear the same thing from city and state leaders: “The roads are congested. We have to build more lanes.” Not only do lane additions cost billions in taxpayer dollars, they also rarely solve the problem they’re claiming to address. In fact, most road expansion actually induces more drivers to get on the road, making it even more congested than before.

This pattern is on full display in Austin, Texas, where the state Department of Transportation wants to add a whopping four new lanes to major highway I-35. But local leaders aren’t standing by and letting this mistake happen. They’re fighting back and proposing an alternative that would lower and cap the highway, while opening up dozens of acres of land for new homes and businesses in the city.

In this webcast, recorded in August 2021, you’ll hear from local advocates and planners Norm Marshall, Heyden Walker, and Brendan Wittstruck, in a discussion hosted by Strong Towns president Charles Marohn. These panelists will share the data that proves this highway project is a mistake, talk about their alternative plan, and offer advice for anyone who wants to see fewer road expansions and more people-centered neighborhoods in their city.


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