Assault On USS Titan - Battlefield 4 - 4K

Описание к видео Assault On USS Titan - Battlefield 4 - 4K

#uscarrier #southchinasea #battlefield2021
The introduction cutscene begins with the display of the refugee boats sailing towards the USS Valkyrie and several angles of the Seventh Fleet, along with a voiceover of Captain Garrison speaking with a doctor. The doctor asks for a number on how many refugees have come aboard. Garrison gives a guess of three hundred fifty to four hundred coming aboard. The doctor then asks about her request for assistance, to Garrison saying that she'll have to make do and that the USS Titan will be able to help when the Valkyrie meets with them. The doctor continues to state her opinion on the situation; expressing her belief that it was good to take them aboard. Garrison thanks her, and the cut-scene ends.

Recker wakes up in what is presumably his bunk aboard the Valkyrie. While he is orienting himself, another unnamed Marine in his own bunk is trying to get Recker's attention. When he finally does, he says how he was "thrashing about". He asks if it was a bad dream, and continues to inform Recker of the sleep rotation in ten minutes. He expresses his amazement of how Recker was able to sleep after what he did in Shanghai. He then complains about the heat, as a result of the EMP. When Recker is about to leave, the Marine says that Irish "swam by", but didn't want to wake Recker.

Recker than makes his way throughout the Valkyrie in search of Pac and Irish, passing many sailors and Marines doing mundane tasks, such as scanner inspections, electricity maintenance planning, and even some uniformed Marines at overwatch posts in conversation about their personal effects from the blast. When Recker finally finds Pac, the latter is telling Hannah the directions to the medical bay.

Two Marines briefly stop Hannah at the door, but Pac quickly commands them to let her through. Hannah than tries to inspect her husband, but the doctor already with him also stops her. Hannah convinces her to assist, saying she has a medical degree. Recker and Pac continue to find Irish along the way to Garrison. They find Irish giving Chen's daughter an apple. The trio continue, while Irish and Pac have a conversation regarding Irish's actions in Shanghai. During their dialogue, an alarm suddenly goes off, and Tombstone rush topside, where they find the Titan, heavily damaged and taking in water.

After a couple of moments of looking on, Captain Garrison emerges, calling for Tombstone. They meet with him inside, where he briefs them of the situation and order them to investigate the ship. He also informs them of agent Kovic taking over as squad leader. Tombstone is given an RHIB, and they ride to the Titan.

Along the way, Kovic tells Tombstone of the objective, the Titan's voyage recorder. Because the ship was out of range of the EMP blast, their electronics would be unaffected, and important information is held on its voyage recorder. They enter through a hole opened by a Chinese anti-ship missile. Recker leads the way to hatch G-46, the others discussing their objective and "exit strategy" (or lack thereof, as Irish points out). After finding and opening the hatch, Tombstone swims through the flooded area, witnessing some of the ship's drowned Marines. After advancing further, they find some survivors stuck under the floor in dangerously rising water. Kovic and Irish argue as to leaving or rescuing the sailors. Kovic determines that the gate they are stuck under is welded shut, and would take too long to get rid of them, even with a torch. Irish denies this and even goes so far as to shoot the gate, but still makes no progress. The sailors are reluctantly left behind and eventually drown. The team finally reaches the DCC and Recker retrieves voyage recorder. After briefly examining it, Kovic confiscates it.
Tombstone immediately comes in contact with the Chinese boarders after leaving the DCC. They are easily dispatched and the team literally stumbles into another hallway with more enemies. After firing upon them, the ship breaks in half. The half opposite to Tombstone falls back into the water, knocking them off their feet. They get up and jump onto the runway on the other half. Recker then can take the enemy forces head-on or take an alternate route through the hallways and flank them. After the initial wave, more hostiles are ahead. Once Tombstone takes these out, they commandeer a DV-15 Interceptor and ride back to the Valkyrie, fighting off enemy boats and helicopters along the way.


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