2024 June Paper 31, Cambridge 0417 ICT [IGCSE]

Описание к видео 2024 June Paper 31, Cambridge 0417 ICT [IGCSE]

In this video i explain and solve the complete Cambridge IGCSE ICT 0417 June 2024 Practical paper 3. As in all my tutorials i show variations of questions and give important tips on solving the paper.
A great resource for all students taking this exam but also for educators teaching the course and anyone who wants to learn more on Web Page Design and Excel. A link to the question paper and source files can be found at the bottom of the description.
Use the time stamps in the description to jump to sections of interest.

0:00 Intro
01:18 Check your files
Task 1 Evidence document
02:22 Creating the evidence document

Task 2 Spreadsheets
03:17 Q1 Analyze the Spreadsheets provided (VERY Important, how to analyze the data)
09:23 Add Footer information
11:01 Q2 VLOOKUP function
13:10 Q3 COUNTA function
14:27 Q4 COUNTIF function
15:54 Q5 COUNTIFS function 2 criteria
18:44 Q6 COUNTIFS function 3 criteria (Checking the results to make sure function works)
22:43 Q7 Formatting the Spreadsheet
26:46 Q8 Displaying and printing Formulas (printing techniques demonstrated)
29:24 Q9 Filters (2 methods demonstrated)

Task 3 File Management
34:38 Q10 Creating folder, adding files and displaying different file properties in Windows Explorer

Task 4 Web Page
38:31 Analyzing the question and what i will need to do
NOTE: small note about Web Expression
40:56 Q11 creating webpage and the table with properties requested.
44:41 Q12 Add page title
45:24 Q13 / Q14 Adding text and setting style

Previewing the webpage in Browser

47:52 Q15 / Q16 adding images and alternate text
50:12 Q17 Adding text from text file
51:57 Q18 Attaching a stylesheet
52:33 Q19 Creating a stylesheet. Analyzing the question and planning what i will need to do. (Important techniques demonstrated here)
54:31 creating the stylesheet, naming and attaching it so that it has priority. (Important info here: understanding priority)
57:02 Adding image as background top left corner no-repeat. (Important Info: understanding positioning)
01:00:00 Right align the table (Important info: understand window width and margins)
01:03:17 Creating font styles with efficient programming
01:05:36 Adding a comment in stylesheets
01:06:30 Making sure everything has been completed and taking a screenshot
01:07:21 Q20 Copying the HTML source code
01:08:23 Display the webpage in browser and take appropriate screenshot. (important info: identify what should be visible
01:11:37 Recap on paper

Access the resource files used in the tutorial here:
Due to copyright restrictions from CIE i am not able to provide the resource files for this paper. Please seek to get the resource files from your teacher.


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