Samurai Pizza Cats- The Pizza Cats' Closing Performance

Описание к видео Samurai Pizza Cats- The Pizza Cats' Closing Performance

Samurai Pizza Cats (Kyattou Ninden Teyande in Japan) is an anime released in 1990 by Tatsunoko. It has been dubbed by Saban. The story of how the dub is what it is comes from the fact that they were never given transcripts of the original dialogue (or badly translated scripts). As such, they decided to make up new plotlines and dialogue out of whole cloth. The show was loved by fans, and even the original creators were impressed by the job Saban has done. The plot is about Ninja Cats (not Samurai as the English dub title suggests) that serve pizza during the day, and save Little Tokyo (and quite possibly the world) at night. They serve to protect the city from the villanous Big Cheese (who in the dub is a rat, but is clearly a fox). Seymour's (Big Cheese) schemes involve him sending out Bad Bird and his Ninja Crows to do his dirty work. The rights to the English dub now belong to Discotek, who plans to release the complete series of the English dub on DVD sometime soon. This is the second CD out of 2 CDS for the original Japanese series. It contains many songs from the later episodes of the show. It also includes a selection of background music called "Music Theatre", Parts 1 through 8. The music was composed by Kenji Kawai.
1. Chaos of a Sunny Day in Japan (Usahime Version)
2. Crescent Moon Connection
3. Teyandee Special Express
4. Black Fight
5. Charming Figure Mecha Cat!
6. Battle in Flash
7. Unrivaled Yattarou
8. To Be Yourself (Pururun Version)
9. Chaos of a Sunny Day in Japan (TV Size)
10. Music Theater: Part 1
11. Music Theater: Part 2
12. Music Theater: Part 3
13. Music Theater: Part 4
14. Music Theater: Part 5
15. Music Theater: Part 6
16. Music Theater: Part 7
17. Music Theater: Part 8
18. To Be Yourself (TV Size)


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