Haunted Saskatchewan: Regina Cemetery

Описание к видео Haunted Saskatchewan: Regina Cemetery

So far, we have visited the Fort Qu'Appelle and Indian Head areas for the Haunted Saskatchewan series. Today, we are moving into the city where I live! Welcome, my ghouls, to the Regina Cemetery in Regina, Saskatchewan.

This video will introduce you to some of the history about Regina, including some of the major tragic events that would have lead to the cemetery growing to the size it is today. I also discussed some of the graves of potential ghosts from future locations. Make sure you hit Subscribe on my channel to be notified when those videos go live in the coming weeks!

Have you been to the Regina Cemetery? Any ghost experiences or spooky stories?

#haunted #ghosts #hauntedsaskatchewan #saskatchewan #exploresaskatchewan #yqr #ghosthunting #paranormal #cemeteries


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