How Do I Know If My C&P Exam Went Well?

Описание к видео How Do I Know If My C&P Exam Went Well?

Learn how to determine if your C&P exam went well during today's CCK LIVE discussion! Compensation and Pension (C&P) exam is a medical examination of a veteran’s disability used to gather more evidence on a veteran’s claimed disability before issuing a decision and assigning a VA rating. C&P exams can hold significant weight in VA claims so get important tips for requesting a copy of your C&P exam, how to review your exam and what language to look for, and how to counter unfavorable C&P exams through hearings, DBQs, private medical opinions, and buddy statements.

Read more on compensation and pensione exams here:

"At Least As Likely As Not" Language:


Learn more about CCK Law:

0:00 Introduction
0:37 What is a Compensation and Pension (C&P) Exam? What Happens?
2:31 How to Know if C&P Exam Went Well: How to Request a Copy
3:15 Reviewing Your C&P Exam: What to Look For
4:43 Favorable Medical Opinion: At Least as Likely As Not
6:37 Tips for Your C&P Exam: Contacting VA, Examiner Credentials, Specialists
7:39 Disagree With C&P Exam Results: Gather Buddy Statements
8:08 Requesting a Hearing with the Board of Veterans’ Appeals (BVA) and Alternatives
9:25 Independent Medical Opinions and Disability Benefits Questionnaires (DBQs)
10:46 C&P Exam Tips You May Not Know: Hearings, the AMA Appeals System, Be Descriptive, Evidence

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