[NOW] Voices of the parents “Please remember our children” (부모들의 목소리 “아이들을 기억해주세요”)

Описание к видео [NOW] Voices of the parents “Please remember our children” (부모들의 목소리 “아이들을 기억해주세요”)

Voices of the parents “Please remember our children”
부모들의 목소리 “아이들을 기억해주세요”

A classroom at Danwon high school hasn’t progressed a second since April 2014. How does the ‘4.16 memorial classroom’ in April 2020 differ from 6 years ago? Go-woon’s mother has been guiding mourners at the memorial classroom for six years. Ye-jin’s mother became a musical actress to fulfill her daughter’s dream, and Soo-yeon’s father remembers the lost children by working at a woodshop and giving new life to the dead trees. We listen to the stories of the families who lost their loved ones in the accident.

2014년 4월에 멈춰있는 단원고 2학년 교실. 2020년 4월 ‘4.16기억교실’은 어떤 모습일까. 6년째 ‘4.16기억교실’을 지키는 고운 엄마, 뮤지컬 배우가 되고 싶어 했던 딸을 대신해 극단에서 연극을 하고 있는 예진 엄마, 죽은 나무를 작품으로 살려내는 목공 작업을 통해 참사에 희생된 아이들을 기억하는 수연 아빠 등 세월호 유가족들의 이야기를 들어본다.

#Sewol-ho_ferry #April_16th #6th_anniversary_of_Sewol-ho_ferry_disaster
#Sewol-ho_ferry #Family_of_the_victims #Yellow-ribbon

#세월호 #유가족 #노란리본


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