Pitch Perfect: getting the most out of connecting with your MPs

Описание к видео Pitch Perfect: getting the most out of connecting with your MPs

Sustainable Food Places and Hope for the Future hosted a 60 minute online training to upskill you in having impactful conversations with your MP, and how to build an effective relationship following on from a first meeting. This session was run by Hope for the Future, a national charity with more than 10 years’ experience working with individuals and community groups, giving them the tools to have their own informed, impactful engagements with their elected representatives.

This training is designed to be accessible regardless of your level of political experience. It covers the basics of the UK parliamentary system and devolved systems, and a step by step guide to having impactful conversations with your MP, right from how to find out who they are, to how to move them beyond their party line. This included how to develop a “elevator pitch”, for meeting your MP at the Parliamentary event, and advice on building a relationship with your MP and Parliamentary Prospective Candidates in the context of the general election.


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