Rediscovering Rhetoric - Persuasion from a Heart of Love | Michael Collender | TEDxBillings

Описание к видео Rediscovering Rhetoric - Persuasion from a Heart of Love | Michael Collender | TEDxBillings

What is the art of persuasion, sometimes called Rhetoric? Many have called it manipulation or deception. In his moving TEDx Talk, Dr. Michael Collender shows how Rhetoric has been misunderstood and its tools misused. Using recent findings in brain science he reveals how Rhetoric is persuasion from a heart of love. Michael grew up in LA and moved to the Pacific Northwest to save his wife from freeways. They now have 6 kids and live in Billings because he likes big cities, and she likes small towns. Somehow Billings is both.

Michael teaches and writes on rhetoric and communication because people need hope and vision. Without both, people die. That’s why he’s written a textbook on public speaking called A Rhetoric of Love: Volume Two. It’s part of a series and will soon be published by Veritas Press.

Michael is finishing his second PhD this year. He taught philosophy and leadership at Gonzaga University, was a visiting fellow of the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium and researched and lectured at the US Joint Forces Staff College, a war college in Norfolk, VA. The military published his research, and it is listed as recommended reading for commanders in Art of Design, the US Military’s textbook on Campaign design, published by the School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS). This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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