FULL VIDEO| Lost A Love One ? God Says They Are Okay

Описание к видео FULL VIDEO| Lost A Love One ? God Says They Are Okay

Losing a love one is something we all face and is such as emotional strain and uncertainty on each and everyone of us. For those who are mourning for a loved one be blessed to know that God say they are living and are okay. #resurrection #withgod #inheaven #faith

0:01 - 0:21 - Welcome
0:22 - 1:42 - I recently lose someone who suffered for many years
1:43 - 3:02 - The Lord had to remind me about our heavenly lives
3:03 - 4:13 - Bible Verse Reading - 2 Corinthians 5: 1-5 NLT
4:14 - 5:30 - Your love one is living in joy, healed and are restored as God Promised
5:31 - 5:38 - Thanks for Watching


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