How to Find the Source of a Video on the Web

Описание к видео How to Find the Source of a Video on the Web

We all know that the internet is a vast ocean of content, and sometimes, videos just appear out of thin air. In this video, we're diving deep into the digital detective world to uncover the source of any video you come across on the web.
Follow the steps as shown in this video.
1. Open your web browser.
2. To find the source of a video online, you should have a clue about the video, like the subject of the video, etc.
3. For example, I am typing here Mars Video.
4. Scroll down the search page result, and click on a relevant link to your search. Like here, I found the NASA video link.
5. Click on a video link that you are looking for.
6. Let’s see, another method.
7. Click on a new tab, and then close the previously opened tab.
8. In the web address bar, type google dot com forward slash advanced underscore video underscore search, and press the Enter key on your keyboard.
9. You can find a video by using this advanced video search tool of Google.
10. Just fill in the required information in the given fields, and some options from the given drop-down list, like Language, Duration, Date, Quality, subtitles, etc.
11. Now, click on the Advanced Search button at the bottom.
12. You will find the video source, by doing this advanced search.

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