What is a Specific Phobia Disorder and how is it treated?

Описание к видео What is a Specific Phobia Disorder and how is it treated?

A specific phobia involves an intense, unreasonable, and persistent fear and avoidance of a specific object or situation to a degree that it interferes with one’s ability to function. The danger of the feared stimulus is over-estimated and one’s ability to cope with negative consequences is under-estimated. The anxiety and dread experienced is out of proportion to the danger which results in avoidance of the feared object or situation.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has shown evidence of being effective in the treatment of specific phobias. CBT focuses on learning to challenge unhelpful thoughts and beliefs, and gradually making changes in behavior, which show that the feared consequences do not happen.

To learn more, visit https://anxietyinstitute.com.

Anxiety Institute is a clinical research center specializing in acute anxiety disorders that uses advanced, proven techniques while nurturing the patient in their local home environment. Utilizing the most up-to-date, evidence-based treatments, our intensive services focus on treating teens and young adults, while coaching the parents who guide them. Anxiety Instituted is located in Madison, New Jersey; Greenwich, Connecticut; and McLean, VA.


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