WOTLK - Hunter Guide PVE

Описание к видео WOTLK - Hunter Guide PVE

Wrath of the Lick King 3.3.5a Marksman Hunter FRESH 80 fast guide.

Stat Prioritization Looks like this:

1) Hit Rating (164 cap)
2) Agility 
3) Armor Penetration 
4) Crit Rating 

The threshold point where Armor Penetration overtakes Agility in priority comes at around 750 PASSIVE Armor Penetration from gear (not including gems), until then Agility is superior.
Spell Rotation/Priority 

the general shot rotation goes something like this:

Rapid Fire 
Serpent Sting
Chimera Shot
Aimed Shot
Arcane Shot *if below 400 ArP ( if Above 400 ArP use Steady Shot)
Refresh Rapid Fire (Don't cut it off.)
Chimera Shot 
Aimed Shot
Steady Shotx4
Glyph of Steady Shot
Glyph of Serpent Sting
Glyph of Kill Shot

For the meta Gem use the Relentless Eathsiege Diamond, for 1 blue gem slot use the Nightmare tear if your have more use a red gem on the blue slot and ignore the socket bonus. With Red gems you have pre-700 passive AMRP stacking that would use agility and Post 700 passive AMRP use +20 armor penetration gems. On Yellow gems if you are not hit capped use the Glinting Ametrine, after hit cap use Deadly Ametrine. (pronounced Am-Ah-Treen)
The best professions for an Endgame Geared MM Hunter are Jewelcrafting and Engineering.

Enchants :-

1 Head - +50 AP and +20 Critical Strike Rating Arcanum of Torment
2 Shoulders - +40 AP and +15 Critical Strike Rating Greater Inscription of the Axe
3 Cloak - +23 Agility, On-use Parachute Flexweave Underlay
4 Chest - +10 All Stats Scroll of Enchant Chest - Powerful Stats
5 Bracers - +50 AP Scroll of Enchant Bracers - Greater Assault
6 Hands - +340 Haste on use for 12 seconds on a 1-minute cooldown Hyperspeed Accelerators
7 Belt - +1 Extra Prismatic Socket (Eternal Belt Buckle)
8 Legs - +75 AP and +22 Critical Strike Rating (Icescale Leg Armor)
9 Boots - +24 Critical Strike Rating and "Greatly increased" (150%) run speed for 5 seconds on a 3-minute cooldown (Nitro Boosts)
10 Melee Weapon - +110 AP (Scroll of Enchant 2H Weapon - Massacre) : Great for an overall use, +140 AP against undead (Scroll of Enchant 2H Weapon - Scourgebane) : For ICC and other instances with abundance of undead creatures
11) Ranged Weapon - +40 Critical Strike Rating (Heartseeker Scope)

Flask of Endless Rage
Blackened Dragonfin OR Hearty Rhino
Potion of Speed
Scroll of Agility is there is no Death Knight, Shaman, or Druid.
Spiced Mammoth Treats - +30 Strength to pet


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