How to Clean Quartz Crystals: A Step-by-Step Guide Using Vinegar, Iron Out, or Oxalic Acid

Описание к видео How to Clean Quartz Crystals: A Step-by-Step Guide Using Vinegar, Iron Out, or Oxalic Acid

Cleaning and Smoothing Quartz Crystals: A Step-by-Step Guide. Use sandpaper to smooth out uneven surfaces. After cleaning and removing stains from your quartz crystals, you may notice that they still have some rough or uneven surfaces. To smooth out these surfaces, you can use sandpaper with different grits, starting at a coarse grit and gradually moving to a finer grit. — Wet the sandpaper with water to avoid dust buildup. — Hold the crystal securely and sand the surface using circular motions. Make sure to sand evenly to avoid creating new scratches.. 2 - Use a crystal polish to give the crystals a shine. After sanding, you can apply a crystal polish to give your quartz crystals a shiny finish. You can purchase a crystal polish online or at a rock shop. Follow the instructions on the polish and apply it to the crystal with a soft cloth, buffing the crystals until they shine.. Overall, there are several ways to clean and prepare quartz crystals, using methods such as cleaning with vinegar or oxalic acid, cutting away excess material with a diamond edged saw, and polishing for a shiny finish.


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