Stregheria or Stregoneria? A Look at Authentic Italian Folk Magic and Witchcraft

Описание к видео Stregheria or Stregoneria? A Look at Authentic Italian Folk Magic and Witchcraft


What is Italian Folk Magick (Stregoneria) and how does it relate to modern renditions and reimaginings of it, including Stregheria, Benedicaria and Fa Lu Santucci?

We're going to dive deep and talk about that in today's program!

[Nota Bene: In this series of videos, in order to not have Google/YouTube AI mistranslate the word "stregoneria" (as properly pronounced in Italian) as "stray gonnorhea" (which happened in two videos already), I opted to mispronounce the word, Americanising it, if you will, to "stray-go-NEHR-ia". I'm not terribly concerned with or interested in the opinions of those native Italian speakers, who are compelled to correct me. Neither have I ever considered them to be "ignorant Italians" as some drama queens might claim. I recognise that their initial corrections were intended in good will, and accepted them as such. But I have no intention of engaging that topic further.]


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