Tera 50 Tips & Tricks You May Not Know!

Описание к видео Tera 50 Tips & Tricks You May Not Know!

Hello, this is my first youtube video, so excuse my awkwardness and above all else, I hope you enjoy!
50 Tips & Tricks:
Tips and tricks
1) Change UI settings to help fit your playstyle.
2) Program quick chats that are very helpful in dangerous situations such as bam fights.
3) Use extended and additional hotkey options, and remember a good way to have extra shortcuts, is by adding shift to your normal binded keys.
4) Go to item claim on a new account, to get some very helpful beginner items.
5) Inspect other players to see their items and equips, and also their exp, gathering, and reputation.
6) Pressing Ctrl+z will hide all UI, this is great for screenshots.
7) Use a teleport master to quickly travel around zones.
8) Clerics of restoration restore health, mana, as well as stamina instantly at a cheap price.
9) If you’re dueling a friend for money of fun, go to the few dueling arenas around the world with a cleric to make rematches quick and easy.
10) Expanding your inventory saves a lot of time and effort, but remember it comes at a heft cost so only do it if you can afford it.
12) If you don’t have real money, you can pay gold to players to buy items and costumes from the emp store, but keep in mind the rates on your server.
13) If you have a little gold to spare and the Pegasus is too slow, buy teleport scrolls from merchants to save a lot of time.
14) Gathering in groups or parties enables you to gather the same node at the same time, this makes gathering fast and easy.
15) Be sure to win one Kumasylum and Crosairs stronghold per day to get a good amount of exp and gold from both the match, and the quests.
16) If you are not in a guild or alliance, you can join an alliance to get varying buffs such as increased gold or reputation.
17) Killing low lvl bams to get stamina potions and fashion coupons.
18) Press shift+arrow keys to pan the camera.
19) Press ctrl+right click preview items and in your inventory and in the broker, remember this also works with costumes.
20) To quickly gather without waiting for the nodes to respawn, change channels.
21) When fighting a bam, watch for the orange and purple circles below your character, these are really important for classes such as mystics and priests, to ensure that they don’t get on shot.
22) ctrl+ left clicking an item enters the name in the broker.
23) Press enter. ctrl+ left click links items to the chat, this helps greatly for selling items.
24) pressing /r responds to the last whisper you received, this is a lot faster than retyping the name.
25) ctrl+ right click on minimap creates point of interest, that others can then see.
26) Use the different pages in skills and profile to quickly swap between pvp and pve items and equips.
27) keep extra crystals incase you die, and your current ones break.
28) Change loot settings in dungeons to ensure that only the appropriate classes can loot.
29) Use city teleportals to travel around large cities quickly.
30) Godly alkahests work best on only avatar weapons.
31) Use parcel post to send items or money one way to a friend or player without having to meet up.
32) Take advantage of your races tp skills to travel to major cities at no cost.
33) You can edit chain skills to fit your playstyle.
34) You can craft potions to save money or craft items to use for enchanting.
35) Be sure to accept log in rewards at the banker, before they expire.
36) You can edit chat colour, font size, as well as what channels you can view or block very easily.
37) To temporarily change your items’ colours, you can dye them.
38) Spend credits earned in battle grounds and other areas, at merchants in major cities.
39) Buying inner armour at later levels, greatly improves your chances of survival.
40) Buy bandages as a cheap way to recover after a fight.
41) Follow Tera on Facebook for exclusive codes and updates.
42) Pressing the button in the bottom right corner of your inventory quickly sorts your items.
43) Use speed potions in dungeons as a way to move around faster, since mounts are not allowed.
44) You will never die from fall damage, but instead be left at 1 HP.
45) /location will give your location for others to follow.
46) buy extraction to gain crafting materials for some easy gold or enchanting.
47) hold the f key instead of spamming, to pick up all the loot.
48) Reaching level 50 and maxing gathering skills to 300 gives you 2 inventory expanations.
49) Pressing the unstuck button, is the same as using a safe haven scroll.
50) Do daily festival events to get the magical flying carpet permanent mount free.


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