狗狗聽我的 - 領養咬人狗 (Adopting a Biting Dog)

Описание к видео 狗狗聽我的 - 領養咬人狗 (Adopting a Biting Dog)

  / anniedogtraining  
來信詢問一對一課程時 ([email protected]) 請包括:
1. 你的姓名、居住城市、郵址
2. 狗狗年齡、性別、種類、是否已節育
3. 們困擾你的問題

輔導咬人狗絕對是主人與專業人士一起的工作,在正確的輔導下,牠們一定會越來越好,也一定會進步,但我也可以跟你保證 「意外一定會發生」、「惡習也一定會偶爾復發」。所以學習如何管理這樣的狗狗,是一輩子的課題。
Many people wishing to help biting dogs because they do deserve a second chance. Acting on sympathy only then to realize it is too stressful to face the behavioral problems daily after adoption is bad for both the dog and the adopters.
I recommend anyone who is thinking of doing so watch this video first, to see the reality up ahead, and evaluate if you are truly ready to take on this long term task.
Counseling a biting dog FOR SURE requires the effort of both the owner and a professional. And with proper training, a biting dog will improve, I guarantee.
I can also guarantee, however, accidents will happen and bad behavior will revert once in a while even years into the adoption. So learning how to manage them for life in every aspect from a professional is essential when adopting such kind of dogs.


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